Saturday, January 22, 2011

How to get better ball striking without spending any money.

Everyone knows that better ball striking increases accuracy and distance.  Most people know that they are supposed to hit down on the ball but don't really know how to.  Well there is a simple drill and all you need is a towel, club, and a ball.   Take the towel and lay it down flat on the ground about 2 inches behind the ball.  Set up to the ball and take your normal backswing and on the downswing, focus on coming through without touching the towel.  This will cause you to swing down on the ball with forward shaft lean instead of trying to flip or sweep it up off the ground.  I know this really helped me and I know it will help you too!


  1. This drill is extremely difficult. I always manage to hit the towel first and never hit the ball. It is a great way to help you hit down on the ball. I will be using this drill a lot when warm weather comes. :)

  2. Is it recommended the woods as well? Or do the woods have a more lateral impact?
