Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When practicing, always choose a target.

Far too many golfers go out to practice at the range and they just beat balls over and over without picking out a target.  NEVER HIT A PRACTICE SHOT WITHOUT PICKING A TARGET!  This is one of the most important practice tips because in a real round of golf, every shot has a target that you are aiming for so why should your practice be any different?  A good way to practice this is to make imaginary targets if there are no specific practice greens to hit.  Pick a specific area of the range to hit balls instead of just beating them everywhere.  Also with the driver, imagine a tight fairway that you must hit your ball in instead of randomly hitting your driver 15 times and saying you are done.  This will truly change your game and you will get your moneys worth when you go to the range.

1 comment:

  1. I think that this is a good tip. When I got to the range, I rarely ever choose a target. I will need to focus on this if warm weather ever decides to come around lol
